Thursday, May 31, 2007

#6 iTunes

The night in class that we spent working on the Podcast, I thought that I was confused and did not understand the process of Music downloads and accessing Music through the Web. Downloaded music and attempting to get music off the web, never entered my mindset..Music to me is an old vinyl record..I have converted to CD's and now they seem to be fading away. During the class I struggled, and was not sure that I was on the right track.. the next day when I checked my E-Mail, I found that iTunes had e-mailed me and thanked me for setting up an iTunes account..I could not believe it, I thought that for sure I had not understood what Fawn was showing us, and had actually given up on the idea of iTunes..there in my mail was an e-mail from appple thanking me for setting up an account..I quickly got my youngest and she helped me to download about six songs to her iPod.. Beatles somgs that I did not possess and/or had only on vinyl.. It was great to be able to create your our songlist of what you prefer to listen to in the order you select.. I have now succumb to the fact that I "old man" must purchase a MR3 player (cheap)..Can only afford to allocate big funds for iPod for daughter, also I will not use this new audio devise nearly as much as daughter..It seems like that iPod thing is attached to her ear 24/7..does not even remove it to eat or sleep!!! The new technology will soon eliminate stores that revolve around music only..Recently on the World News, they had a spot about the growth of Music Downloads and the demise of Record Stores, they did a piece on Tower Records, how they were once the biggest Record Chain and now are in Bankrupcy...It is strange how this world is changing so fast..the younger generation is ahead of the curve and us old folks are behind the curve trying to catch up.. It seems by the time I catch up with new technology, they have already changed it, and it is time to learn again!!!!!! My favorite quote from "TODD" , (that would be me), "The day you stop learning is the day you die" I preach this to Inmates and Students, learning never ends!...............

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