Thursday, May 31, 2007

#8 Learning Experiences

The amount of information that I have ingested in a short period of time (two quarters) continues to amaze me!!! I never thought that I would become computer literate in such a short time..My new buddies John and Jeff have been an asset and I could not put a price tag on the new skills that I have mastered. They have been patient and have never failed to answer a question, or stopped what they were doing and assisted me when I was lost..Working with them on the website was incredible..I would have never, on my own attempted such a project. There is no doubt that I would have hired someone to create a site for me, and hoped that it would turn out how I visioned it to look..Now I have an understanding of what a Web Site entails, and even if I hire someone, I will at least have the knowledge to review and update the Web Site. This class brought out the skills that I possessed, but were afraid to utilize.. I now feel confident when accessing Web Sites and Cutting and Pasting Photos and Clips from other sites..I think John spent a half-hour trying to beat this into my head.. Again I would like to thank John and Jeff for their help, assistance, and PATIENCE!!! I would also like to Thank FAWN for giving us OLD PEOPLE the freedom and space to learn on our own, and to always be there to help, even in a drug induced haze. (She took the bus to show up at class)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for application in the clasroom, this will enable me to utilize the Web to access information at home and share with students at work..(NO ACCESS TO WEB AT WORK) Again thats FAWN!!!!!

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