Thursday, May 31, 2007

#7 Website Videos

Off the top of my head, I would say the three sites that I access for videos would be Speedchannel, ESPN, and Roadrunner..Speedchannel has videos of previous races, and videos of interviews with race car drivers, team managers, team engineers, and team owners. They always have videos that you would not see on the television, during the racing news undate or during the race..A great feature that have recently started was live simulcast of the drivers interaction with the pits, and conversations with the crew chief and team owner..Some of the exchanges are great, and some of them get a little heated during the race, really gives you a front row seat in the get video that will never be shown on commercial television..The second Video site would be ESPN, you get a quick little blurb of a play or hit during a game. Updates and clips from games throughout the day showing the best parts of all the action of the day, or of the previous day or week. It is a great site , you can access any sport and catch up on all the great hits,catches, and game saving feats.. I am not much of a total sports junky , and do not possess the time to or patience to set in front of the TV all day.. really do not posses the time to watch a 2-3 hour game.. So it is a great site for me to catch up with what is going on in the world of sports....the third site would be the main page of Road Runner, they always have video clips of todays news and happeninge around the world.
Previously I would never miss the local or national news, after work..but my
schedule now does not allow me the creature comfort of watching TV..I found myself more and more watching these little video clips they have and catching up with what is happening in the world..It is also great, they usually have little segments about local issues, news clips, politics, and other happenings in Columbus. I am starting to surf off to other news sites and find myself relying on the daily newspaper less and less every day. (Especially since the Colunbus Dispatch eliminated the business section, I like to check my mutual funds daily) These last two quarters have built my confidence level and I now enjoy surfing and finding new sites and information..yes I think that I have become computer literate!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jeff Is... said...

Wow have a look at that! Thats one cranky person that is connected to that foot. Hopefully you will be able to stand the pain.