Thursday, May 31, 2007

#7 Website Videos

Off the top of my head, I would say the three sites that I access for videos would be Speedchannel, ESPN, and Roadrunner..Speedchannel has videos of previous races, and videos of interviews with race car drivers, team managers, team engineers, and team owners. They always have videos that you would not see on the television, during the racing news undate or during the race..A great feature that have recently started was live simulcast of the drivers interaction with the pits, and conversations with the crew chief and team owner..Some of the exchanges are great, and some of them get a little heated during the race, really gives you a front row seat in the get video that will never be shown on commercial television..The second Video site would be ESPN, you get a quick little blurb of a play or hit during a game. Updates and clips from games throughout the day showing the best parts of all the action of the day, or of the previous day or week. It is a great site , you can access any sport and catch up on all the great hits,catches, and game saving feats.. I am not much of a total sports junky , and do not possess the time to or patience to set in front of the TV all day.. really do not posses the time to watch a 2-3 hour game.. So it is a great site for me to catch up with what is going on in the world of sports....the third site would be the main page of Road Runner, they always have video clips of todays news and happeninge around the world.
Previously I would never miss the local or national news, after work..but my
schedule now does not allow me the creature comfort of watching TV..I found myself more and more watching these little video clips they have and catching up with what is happening in the world..It is also great, they usually have little segments about local issues, news clips, politics, and other happenings in Columbus. I am starting to surf off to other news sites and find myself relying on the daily newspaper less and less every day. (Especially since the Colunbus Dispatch eliminated the business section, I like to check my mutual funds daily) These last two quarters have built my confidence level and I now enjoy surfing and finding new sites and information..yes I think that I have become computer literate!!!!!!!!!!!!

#6 iTunes

The night in class that we spent working on the Podcast, I thought that I was confused and did not understand the process of Music downloads and accessing Music through the Web. Downloaded music and attempting to get music off the web, never entered my mindset..Music to me is an old vinyl record..I have converted to CD's and now they seem to be fading away. During the class I struggled, and was not sure that I was on the right track.. the next day when I checked my E-Mail, I found that iTunes had e-mailed me and thanked me for setting up an iTunes account..I could not believe it, I thought that for sure I had not understood what Fawn was showing us, and had actually given up on the idea of iTunes..there in my mail was an e-mail from appple thanking me for setting up an account..I quickly got my youngest and she helped me to download about six songs to her iPod.. Beatles somgs that I did not possess and/or had only on vinyl.. It was great to be able to create your our songlist of what you prefer to listen to in the order you select.. I have now succumb to the fact that I "old man" must purchase a MR3 player (cheap)..Can only afford to allocate big funds for iPod for daughter, also I will not use this new audio devise nearly as much as daughter..It seems like that iPod thing is attached to her ear 24/7..does not even remove it to eat or sleep!!! The new technology will soon eliminate stores that revolve around music only..Recently on the World News, they had a spot about the growth of Music Downloads and the demise of Record Stores, they did a piece on Tower Records, how they were once the biggest Record Chain and now are in Bankrupcy...It is strange how this world is changing so fast..the younger generation is ahead of the curve and us old folks are behind the curve trying to catch up.. It seems by the time I catch up with new technology, they have already changed it, and it is time to learn again!!!!!! My favorite quote from "TODD" , (that would be me), "The day you stop learning is the day you die" I preach this to Inmates and Students, learning never ends!...............

#8 Learning Experiences

The amount of information that I have ingested in a short period of time (two quarters) continues to amaze me!!! I never thought that I would become computer literate in such a short time..My new buddies John and Jeff have been an asset and I could not put a price tag on the new skills that I have mastered. They have been patient and have never failed to answer a question, or stopped what they were doing and assisted me when I was lost..Working with them on the website was incredible..I would have never, on my own attempted such a project. There is no doubt that I would have hired someone to create a site for me, and hoped that it would turn out how I visioned it to look..Now I have an understanding of what a Web Site entails, and even if I hire someone, I will at least have the knowledge to review and update the Web Site. This class brought out the skills that I possessed, but were afraid to utilize.. I now feel confident when accessing Web Sites and Cutting and Pasting Photos and Clips from other sites..I think John spent a half-hour trying to beat this into my head.. Again I would like to thank John and Jeff for their help, assistance, and PATIENCE!!! I would also like to Thank FAWN for giving us OLD PEOPLE the freedom and space to learn on our own, and to always be there to help, even in a drug induced haze. (She took the bus to show up at class)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for application in the clasroom, this will enable me to utilize the Web to access information at home and share with students at work..(NO ACCESS TO WEB AT WORK) Again thats FAWN!!!!!

#9 Learning Experience

This class once again has been an eye-opening experience (Brain Opening Also). I have not ever applied myself and tried to become computer literate.. I have always had my youngest two daughters around the house to bail me out..My previous job as actual Teacher in the prison system, (Vocational Teacher) did not involve much interaction with the computer..The prison system is scared of computers, so big brother is always watching all you do!!!! Previously, it was a rare occasion that I would even check my e-mail. I still have issues with operating a cell phone!!
My new position as the Guidance Counselor, I am on the computer all day long..I was forced to adapt and learn new skills, it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks..And it is hard for that old dog to remember new tricks..(premature alzheimers). Now at work and home, I do not have my daughters around to help me at a moments notice..
Thanks to my new friends, John and Jeff, and YES FAWN, I have aquired many new skills and I finally am not scared to attempt to fix something or do a little exploration and find something on my own..Thank you Fawn for this class that awakened my new abilites and skills that I plan on expanding and enhancing..the Website Design is going to be of particular help with new position as a landlord..I am going to develope a web-site for, I currently have an interest in three properties..Two Doubles and My summer home at Lake Erie, on Catawba Island.. I plan on renting theis summer home out to people for vacation purposes..I plan on building an Real Estate nest egg...
Once again thank you for teaching this old dog with broken feet and shoulder new tricks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

#5 account

I have set up my delicious account......And once again I had to reset my password and correct my account......Technology is killing me, I am getting better...My cohorts assistance is invaluable.......I am learning from the experts....Todds account!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Todd the computer guru

I can not believe that I just linked up all the other blogs and did not have to seek help from my fellow classmates. I am starting to become computer savvy. It is really starting to scare me!!!!
One day maybe I will become as good as my daughters?? I Do not think so!! Just Too old!

#3 Website Design by TODD (

I plan on working with Jeff and John and create a website that revolves around our previous Videos from last quarters class. The awesome threesome and their inventions will highlight the site. We are planning on working on all the exact details tonight after class. Jeff , John and I have been conversing, and I think we will have a humerous website. We plan on having links to each of own personal websites with our own personal information. The main website will have links to some of Johns previous website work, and to some of our favorite websites that we visit. We are getting together for another of our 7 hour sessions on sunday to start composing all the material. I have quite a few pictures of my family, my dogs, and the new puppies. All the material to start on the website. Looking forward this next challenge!!!!!!!!!!
TODD the Webmaster

Thursday, April 12, 2007

#2 Favorite Websites web site has a million links, one that still has a $9.95 charge show up on my cell phone. So, you have to be careful where you navigate to , once in the site. The site is great for racing fans, it shows the schedules for vitually all racing scheduled across the world!!! site is great for traveling the world, it will take you to any location in the world. The vast majority of the maps are relatively clear and easy to read, but some are not as defined,(remote areas).Take a birds eye view of New York City, with the buildings in 3-D. site serves those State Employees that utilize the Deferred Compensation option offered by the State of Ohio. I can access this site from work, (one of the few) and check on my Mutual Funds. The site is terrible, hard to navigate and constantly have to re-boot the site. When switching screens it tends to terminate your session, probably a security function.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

#3 Website design by Todd

Web design is a subject that is foreign to many of us in the over 40 crowd. I want to become proficient in web design to assist my father with his web site. He has a web site for his consulting, speaking business. I also plan on investing in real estate and become a Landlord. I currently have an interest in two doubles and plan on acquiring a property in the campus area soon. I would like to have my daughters live there, and rent additional rooms to friends. Web design would help me to create a website for renters to utilize and attract new tenants. My father is very eager, for myself to become proficient in Web Design, and he is looking forward to my help with his existing web site. I am looking forward to this foreign language that I am about to learn.................................

#1 Todds Girls are Todds World

I have three, yes 3 daughters. And I have one (*1*) wife. So now you understand the love for Racing. My 3 daughters are all different, in a good way. The Oldest Sarah is 23 and living in Florida, Jensen Beach just north of Palm Beach. She is working and has not asked for funds in the last year!!! My middle daughter Alyshia is 19, and she lives in Mack Hall, and is in her first year at OSU. Looks like she might become a School Psychologist. My youngest Emily is 18 and still at home, a senior in High School, graduation is a few months away!!! She works at Bob Evans about 30 hours a week and now has a love for money. She plans on attending Columbus State in the fall, (Vet Tech Program). Now you see why I like to go to Prison at a all Male Insituttion. I am the only Man in the house. No, Just me and Buddy!!!!!

Todds Work

Hi, Todd V. Dygert here, now serving a life sentence in Prison. The Judge gave me a 10-to-life sentence and I have served 15 years. Looking forward to my release, but must do 30 years to retire from the State Teachers Retirement System. So, I have another 15 years till I see the Parole Board again! I have worked in the State Prison System for the last 15 years. I am employed in the Education Department. I have worked at three different facilities. I am currently at Pickaway Correctional Institution. A Career-Tech (Vocational) Teacher the last 13, and currently the acting Guidance Counselor (head file clerk). I am attending OSU to attain a Guidance Certificate, "Masters in Counseling". The Masters Degree will net me a 10% raise!!!!

Todds World

I have many hobbies and interest, and I enjoy attending any type of racing event. I travel to many races each year with my neighbor Rich. I have visited Charlotte, N.C. , Atlanta, Ga. , Indianopolis, In. , and frequently travel to Mid-Ohio Race course near Mansfield. I have been to the Indy 500, Brickyard 400, both in Indiana. The Charlotte, Atlanta, and Bristol--Nascar Races. I have visited Mid-Ohio over 40 times thru the years. When not attending Races, my favorite channel is the Speed Channel. Another hobby, I collect old Baseball Cards. Mom did not throw away my cards that I collected when I was younger. I have many complete sets of cards of cards from 1968-1972. The newspaper route that I had when I was younger, paid for my baseball card addiction. I recently aquired many older Tobacco Cards, from 1909. I have approximately 50 1909 T206 Tobacco cards. My entire collection is insured for $10,000.

Oringinally Posted 3-29-07